Monday, April 11, 2016

Yuzu & Lemon cheesecake (non bake) by Patricia Bakersiao

Yuzu Lemon Cheesecake 

You need a 7 or 8 inch lose bottom baking tin, line the bottom only.

Biscuit base:
200g digestive biscuits
100g butter (melted)

Melt the butter and crush the biscuits, mix together and pour into the lined baking tin, press firmly and chill for 30 mins.

300g cream cheese
200g whipping cream
120 g Yuzu juice (store bought)
10g gelatin + 50g water
50g + 20g icing sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice

Lemon glaze
- lemon juice (from two green lemon)
- lemon zest (from the green lemon)
- 5 tbsp water
- sugar (at least 5 tbsp or more, adjust to ur own taste)
- 3g gelatin
(combinet all except lemon zest to disolve the gelatin. once gelatin disolved, add in the zest. cool sightly b4 pour over the chilled cheesecake)

1) Purée 120g of lychees. Add in Martini liquor.
2) Dissolve the gelatine in water and soak for 5 minutes then melt into liquid, set aside. You can use microwave or double boil method.
3) Squeeze 1 tbsp of lemon juice, and add to the yuzu juice
4) Whisk the cream cheese with 50g icing sugar.
5) Whisk cream with 20g icing sugar
6) Add the gelatine to the yuzu juice and fold into the cream cheese mixture,
7) now fold the mixture into the whipped cream.

Once the mixture have been combined, pour into the baking tin with the prepared biscuit base.
Smooth out and chill over night or for at least 4 hours

when the cheesecake is set, pour the lemon glaze on it and chill again about an hr. done

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